Project settings

To access your team settings simply click on the dropdown menu over the team name on the left sidebar. This will show you all the available setting options.

Follow or unfollow a project

Following a team, project or team member, ensures you stay updated on their activities, receive notifications, and easily access their content from your profile. It fosters engagement, collaboration, and alignment with the team's initiatives.

Leave or join a project | Manage members

Upon joining a project, you're included in the members list and begin receiving notifications. You can specify your role, join date, intended departure date, and allocated capacity for the project.

Leaving a team removes you from the members list, but it won't affect your following status. You can adjust this from the Following page in your profile.

Edit project avatar

Editing a project avatar enables you to select the colour of the avatar. Changing the name of the project is done on the overview page by simply clicking on the project title.

Deleting a project

Deleting a project is a permanent and irreversible action.

Last updated