Project display options
Customizing Your Project View
Grouping Projects
To organize your projects visually, you can use the Grouping option in the Display Options menu. Choose from the following grouping methods:
Status: Groups projects based on their current status (e.g., Active, Completed, On Hold).
Health: Groups projects based on their health status (e.g., Healthy, At Risk, Overdue).
No Grouping: All projects are displayed in a single list.
Sorting Projects
To arrange your projects in a specific order, use the Sorting option in the Display Options menu. Choose from the following sorting criteria:
Manual: Allows you to manually rearrange the order of projects.
Created Date: Sorts projects by the date they were created.
Updated Date: Sorts projects by the last time they were modified.
Start Date: Sorts projects by their start date.
Due Date: Sorts projects by their due date.
Completed Date: Sorts projects by the date they were marked as completed.
Showing Completed Projects
To include completed projects in your view, use the Show Completed Projects option in the Display Options menu. Choose from the following options:
Do Not Show: Hides completed projects.
Show All: Shows all completed projects, regardless of their completion date.
Within 1 Hour: Shows completed projects from the past hour.
24 Hours: Shows completed projects from the past 24 hours.
7 Days: Shows completed projects from the past 7 days.
30 Days: Shows completed projects from the past 30 days.
Selecting Meta Information
To customize the information displayed for each project, use the Meta Information option in the Display Options menu. Select the fields that are most important to your team:
Icon: Displays a small icon representing the project's status or type.
Health: Indicates the project's health status (e.g., Healthy, At Risk, Overdue).
Starts On: Displays the project's start date.
Due On: Shows the project's due date.
Completed On: Indicates the date the project was marked as completed.
Status: Displays the project's current status (e.g., Active, Completed, On Hold).
Driver: Shows the primary driver of the project.
Progress: Indicates the project's overall progress.
Team: Displays the team assigned to the project.
Last updated